The Cicret App and Bracelet was lauded by tech bloggers as the next stage of smartphone connectivity, and videos and articles about it were widely
shared on social media sites. But if your first impression was the
device looked like something out of science fiction, you weren't
entirely wrong. A number of skeptical users had some pointed questions
about the Cicret claims, and among the more logical queries (such as how
the device might work for people with dark skin or abundant arm hair)
was a far more central mystery: does the Cicret bracelet actually exist?
Viewers of the video were quick to notice the device as shown appeared to have been cobbled together from recognizable existing products. Some observed extant advances don't allow for such capabilities to be contained within a device as small as the one depicted, and others noted the projection quality seemed remarkably high.
courtesy by:snopes
The Cicret App and Bracelet was lauded by tech bloggers as the next stage of smartphone connectivity, and videos and articles about it were widely
Viewers of the video were quick to notice the device as shown appeared to have been cobbled together from recognizable existing products. Some observed extant advances don't allow for such capabilities to be contained within a device as small as the one depicted, and others noted the projection quality seemed remarkably high.
courtesy by:snopes