Sunday, 3 April 2016

tangible media: invented by MIT

courtesy by: google images
inFORM is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, so users can interact with digital information in a tangible way. inFORM can also interact with the physical world around it, for example moving objects on the table's surface. Remote participants in a video conference can be displayed physically, allowing for a strong sense of presence and the ability to interact physically at a distance. inFORM is a step toward our vision of Radical Atoms: 
                    courtesy video: tangible media by mit

answer your door with a smart phone watching the wifi video at door bell

courtesy by: google images
Answer your door with a smart phone
The door bell in build camera will provide the video "who is outside your door".
So that door bell gives the control, convenience and safety. whether you are at home or away from your home. You can know the person and answer.
you can receive an alert when he doesn't press the bell.
shop and courtesy by: door bell